WASPI Compensation Application Form 2024 Payment Amount, How to Apply? Latest Updates

WASPI Compensation Form

Here are some of the latest updates on the WASPI Compensation Form updates, Payment Amount, and Latest News. The Women Against State Pension Inequality is a group that launched a campaign against the sudden transition in state pension age that was issued by the Department of Work and Pension. In this article, the compensation claim is discussed.

WASPI Compensation Form 2024

Women Against State Pension Inequality is a UK-based organization established in 2015. The organization came into existence when the Department of Work and Pension suddenly increased the pension age without even informing women in the 1950s and 1960s age group.

Women Against State Pension Inequality asked for compensation. To receive compensation, women need to submit proof, such as proof that their birth year was between 6 April 1950 and 5 April 1960. Apart from this, women affected by the State Pension Act are also eligible to receive the payment.

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WASPI Compensation Storyline

Under the 1995 Pension Act, the state pension age for women was increased to 65 from 60 to equalize the pension age with men. Later, under the 2011 Pension Act, the age of the women changed to 66 from 60. In response to this, the women who were born in 1950 launched a campaign against the changes made by the department regarding the pension age without being given any notice.

Disclaimer: As the decision is still pending, the government has released no application forms.

WASPI Compensation Form


The changes in the pension age will negatively impact women and their families. The sudden transition will affect women who originally planned to retire at the age of 60 and had plans for their families. The transitions in the pension age will impact the women’s savings and their family planning. However, women protested against the transition update and asked for compensation.

WASPI Compensation Form Payment Amount

The sudden transitions in the pension age resulted in the protest, which included approximately 3.8 million women. The Parliament and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) manages the Department of Work and Pension. The PHSO stated it was guilty of maladministration over equalizing retirement age between men and women. The PHSO recommended compensating the loss and asked the department to pay at level four, which should be approximately £1,000 to £2,950. However, the compensatory amount is less than £10,000, which was the hope of many claimants.

In addition, the Department of Work and Pensions assured us that it would look into the matter. According to the investigation, it was noticed that the Department does not boast about the rights of claimants. Apart from this, the WASPI stated that due to a lack of Government communication regarding the sudden transitions, the women were forced to work for further years even without any prior notice or information. This may lead to financial and emotional strain among women. However, certain MPs suggested that higher payments should be provided to those who left the job before 60, and small sums for the rest of the women employees should be paid.

WASPI Compensation Form Latest News

The WASPI campaign for compensation concerns the changes in retirement age. This affects the recent elections in the UK, which can be delayed due to the campaign. Analyzing the situation might be time-consuming for the newly elected Government. However, women hope the newly elected government will investigate the matter and resolve the issue. According to the sources, the compensation was expected to be provided before the summer break and granted by the second half of 2024.

However, the WAPSI issue remains unresolved as the DWP did not provide any timeframe for the compensation despite acknowledging the PHSO reports. Apart from this, certain officials described the campaign as a scandal. According to Mel Stride, Pension Secretary, not all women are in the 1950 age group, and it should be known that the pension age can be changed, so women must mentally prepare for the transition regarding the pension change.

All We Know

The WAPSI Campaign regarding the transitions in the State Pension Age emphasized the significance of communication. The claimants are awaiting the government’s response and expect certain significant enforcement regarding retirement age policies. The women are still waiting for the issue to be resolved.

However, the claimants and others must regularly check the official WAPSI web page for updates. The WAPSI is a campaign group responsible for the membership fees and donations for campaign operations. The group does not rely on the government’s funding.

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However, the campaign launched by WAPSI does not ensure the amount of payment. The campaign group is to preserve women’s rights, which were negatively impacted by the sudden changes. The group launched the campaign with various objectives, some of which are listed below:

  • Government Recognition—The campaign group sought the government’s official recognition. However, the government failed to acknowledge the adverse impact of the sudden changes regarding women’s pension age.
  • Compensation—According to the WAPSI, the lack of communication from the government resulted in financial strain for various women. The group requested the government to address the issue with utmost sincerity.
  • Fairness—The group stated that to ensure a similar situation does not arise in the future, the government should ensure that the further transitions in the State Pension Age Act are transparent.

However, it has still not been decided when women will receive the compensation. To keep updated, frequently visit the website.

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