Unemployed Payment Centrelink: Amount of Jobseeker Allowance for Australian Youth

Vish Agarwal
Vish Agarwal
Unemployed Payment Centrelink

Here, you will locate vital details related to the Unemployed Payment Centrelink: Amount of Jobseeker Allowance for Australian Youth. Due to the economic downturn, a shortfall of demand for goods and services results in the availability of lack of jobs. Especially for young Australians who just entering the workforce and facing stressful experiences. Fortunately, the Australian Government’s social security agency offers financial support through Youth Allowance for job seekers. This payment specifically focuses on the financial aid amount young Australians can receive while actively seeking employment. Continue browsing this article to know more about the Unemployed Payment Centrelink, its amount, and more.

The Australian Social Security Agency provides the unemployed payment to assist Australians who are unemployed and actively seeking work. It’s a fortnightly payment that provides a safety net during a period of job transition and ensures a basic level of income for eligible individuals.

The Unemployed Payment Centrelink helps to meet essential needs like food, rent, and utilities. This program provides financial security during a potentially stressful period and aims to incentivize individuals to actively look for new employment. The individuals who fulfil the required criteria for payment are granted the fortnightly JobSeeker allowance.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

The recipients who meet the following eligibility criteria would be able to seek financial assistance benefits. The qualification involves:

  • Your age must be between 16 and 21 years old.
  • You must be actively pursuing full-time work or be studying part-time while looking for work.

Unemployed Payment Centrelink

  • You must be an Australian citizen or bear a permanent visa.
  • You must meet all the income and assets tests set by Centrelink, and these tests assess your financial situation to determine whether you are eligible for Unemployed Payment Centrelink.

These are some general eligibility circumstances, and there are some additional situations that might qualify you for Youth Allowance.

Amount of Jobseeker Allowance for Australian Youth

The amount of JoobSeeker Allowances varies on several factors, including:

  • Your Age: The rates differ based on whether you’re under 18 or over.
  • Living Situation: Whether you live at home with your parents or are independent also affects the payout amount.
  • Dependents: If you have children, the payment amount is higher to reflect your greater financial needs.
  • Principal Carer Status: The payment is significantly higher if you’re a single parent or carer exempt from mutual obligation requirements.

Therefore, here is the breakdown of the Unemployed Payment Centrelink:

Category  Rate (Fortnightly)
Single, no children, under 18, living with parents 395.30 AUD
Single, no children, under 18, living away from parents 639.00 AUD
Single, no child, 18 or older, living with parents 455.20 AUD
Single, no child, 18 or older, living away from parents 639.00 AUD
Single, with children 806.00 AUD
Couple with no children 639.00 AUD
Couple with children 691.80 AUD
Single parent/ carer exempt from mutual obligation 987.70 AUD

However, the further amount might vary according to your income and assets, and these rates update twice a year.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Apply for JobSeeker Allowance

The individual who fulfils all the essential required eligibility criteria for Unemployed Payment Centrelink would apply for JobSeeker Allowance in two main ways:


  • Log in to your myGov account.
  • Choose “Centrelink” under Linked Services.
  • Select “Make a claim or view claim status,” then “Make a claim.”
  • Under “Job Seekers >> Get Started >> Apply for Youth Allowance for Job Seekers.
  • Follow up all the prompts and complete the online application form.


  • Contact the Centrelink Employment Services line at 132 490.
  • Speak with a Centrelink representative.
  • Request to apply for Youth Allowance for job seekers.
  • Then, they will arrange an application, fill it out, attach the required documents, and submit them.

These are the two leading ways to apply for Unemployed Payment Centrelink. To apply for the benefits payment, you will be asked for documents like your identification documents, bank account details, and any relevant medical certificates.

The application procedure will take a few weeks to make a decision on your application. If approved, Centrelink will set up your fortnightly payments, and you’ll need to meet your mutual obligation directed by Centrelink.

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A seasoned tax analyst renowned for his expertise in international taxation. Vish's contributions to the tax news blog provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities of cross-border taxation and compliance.
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