Universal Credit Benefit Cap July 2024 Approved Amount, Increase, Exemptions, Calculations

Vish Agarwal
Vish Agarwal
Universal Credit benefit Cap

Here, you will find all the essential information concerning the Universal Credit benefit Cap 2024 Amount, Increase, Exemptions, Calculations. The Universal Credit Benefit Cap acts as a ceiling on the total amount a working-age household can receive through Universal Credit, even if their full entitlement is higher. The benefit cap aims to achieve several goals, such as fairness, work incentives, and fiscal responsibility. The cap is inspected periodically and adjusted yearly based on monetary factors such as inflation. Continue browsing this article to know about the Universal Credit Benefit Cap 2024, its exemptions, calculations, and more.

Universal Credit Benefit Cap 2024

The Universal Credit Benefit Cap defines the total amount a household can receive through Universal Credit. This cap is created to ensure fairness in the benefits system and stimulate people to work.

Currently, the benefits cap amount is £20,000, and it may be subject to change. The government may decide to increase the benefit cap in line with inflation or other economic factors. An announcement concerning any changes would commonly be made in the budget statement.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Benefit Cap Amount

The Universal Credit Benefit Cap amount varies on two factors: your location and your household composition. The cap is higher in Greater London to account for higher living costs, and the cap is different for single adults, couples, and lone parents.

Universal Credit benefit Cap

The current benefit cap amounts are as follows:

  • Couples and lone parents in Greater London: £486.98 per week
  • Couples and lone parents outside Greater London: £423.46 per week
  • Single adults in Greater London: £326.29 per week
  • Single adults outside Greater London: £283.71 per week.

These are the current Universal Credit Benefit Cap 2024. Therefore, the amount would likely change with the rising inflation; for further related updates, you need to stay updated on the leading web portal and on the latest related news.

Benefit Cap Increase

The Universal Credit Benefit Cap may increase in the future, but there is no guaranteed timeframe for such change. As of June 2024, there hasn’t been any announcement regarding the increase in benefits cap.

The government reviews the cap periodically and might adjust it based on economic factors, particularly inflation. The adjustments to the cap are announced during the Autumn Budget statement, which typically occurs in October or November.


The Universal Credit Benefit Cap doesn’t apply to everyone. here are some common exemptions:

Disability Related Exemptions:

  • If someone in your household receives either the care or mobility component of DLA, you’re exempt from the cap.
  • Similar to DLA, those receiving care or mobility compensation from Personal Independence Payment are exempt.
  • Households with someone receiving an Attendance Allowance, a benefit for people needing help with personal care due to illness or disability, are exempt.
  • If someone in your household has limited capability for work-related activity within Universal Credit, you’re exempt.

Care Related Exemptions:

  • If someone in your household receives the financial assistance of Carer’s Allowance, and that benefit is an offer of caring for someone with a disability of caring 35 hours a week, then you are exempt.
  • You are exempt if someone in your household receives the Carer component within Universal Credit for supervising a severely disabled person for at least 35 hours a week.

Along with these, the Universal Credit Benefit Cap is also exempt for individuals under state pension age and for those with a nine-month grace period if you’ve recently claimed Universal Credit.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment


The benefit cap is applied after all applicable housing benefits have been deducted from your total benefit award. If your capped amount is less than your total entitlement, your housing benefit will be reduced to ensure you don’t receive more than the cap. To calculate the impact of the cap on your specific situation, you should contact your local Jobcentre Plus.

Overall, the benefit cap can impact the amount of money you receive; if you think you might be affected, it’s important to understand the rules and exemptions. Therefore, for further detailed information, browse the government’s leading web portal or contact the leading authorities.

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A seasoned tax analyst renowned for his expertise in international taxation. Vish's contributions to the tax news blog provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities of cross-border taxation and compliance.
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