SSS Disability Benefit 2024: Who Qualifies and How Much is SSS Partial Disability Benefit?

SSS Disability Benefit

Please keep reading this post to find out about SSS Disability Benefit 2024: Who Qualifies and How Much is SSS Partial Disability Benefit?

SSS Disability Benefit 2024

Having a chronic disease or injury is a difficult situation to be in. Not only are you physically limited, but you are unable to return to work and support yourself. The SSS Disability benefit kicks in when funds alone aren’t enough to pay for hospital stays, rehabilitation, and starting anew.

A contributing monthly transfer is made accessible to individuals with disabilities who are of working age in the Philippines through the Social Security Administration (SSS). You have to have paid the SSS payment for at least one month prior to the semester of disability in order to be eligible for the disability benefit. Years of service and contributions are used to calculate the monthly pension amount.

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  5. Worker Benefit Payment

The paper lists the eligibility requirements for the SSS’s disability benefit program in the Philippines.

Understanding SSS Disability Benefit

A monetary benefit awarded to a member who becomes entirely or partially permanently incapacitated, either as a lump sum payment or as a monthly pension. Depending on the member’s monthly SSS contribution contributions, the benefit is either provided as a lump sum payment or as a disability pension each month.

SSS Disability Benefit


Monthly Payment: Members who have paid at least 36 monthly SSS contributions prior to the semester of disability are eligible for a monthly disability pension.

Lump-sum payment: For members whose permitted disability time is payable for less than a year and for those who have paid less than 36 monthly payments prior to the semester of disability.

For claimants with a complete disability who have paid fewer than 36 months of contributions, the lump sum compensation is equal to the monthly pension multiplied by the number of SSS monthly contributions, or 12 times, whichever is greater.

Partial disabled people who have paid fewer than 36 months’ worth of contributions are entitled to receive the monthly pension times the number of monthly payments, times the disability %, or the monthly pension times 12 times the disability percentage, whichever is greater.

Who Qualifies for SSS Disability Benefit?

In order to be eligible for a disability pension, the person must have made at least thirty-six monthly payments before the disability semester began. He or she receives a lump sum payment if their contributions total fewer than thirty-six each month.

Applicants for the SSS disability benefit must be members with persistent impairments, either full or partial. The SSS covers the following categories of illnesses and impairments.

Partially Disabled

an entire and permanent loss of function or use of any of the following body parts, provided that it does not completely prohibit the person from working in a paid capacity.

Absolute Permanent Disability

Whole loss of vision in both eyes; loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists; permanent total paralysis of two limbs; brain damage leading to irreversible insanity or imbecility; and such circumstances as decided and authorized by the SSS

A disability pension is payable on a lifelong basis, per month, to SSS members who are fully and permanently handicapped. But if an individual recovers or resumes work, SSS ceases to provide the pension.

SSS Disability Benefit Amount

Your years of SSS membership and the total amount of payments you made prior to the disability semester will determine how much of a pension you receive each month. Monthly pensions for life will only be granted to members who are fully and permanently incapacitated.

Members with fewer than ten credited years of service (CYS) receive the lowest monthly pension of P1,000; those with at least ten CYS receive P1,200; and those with at least twenty CYS receive P2,400. If eligible, the member receives P500 in monthly Supplemental Allowance in addition to their SS Disability Pension.

With effect from January 2017, an extra reward of P1,000 has also been added. For members who are fully and partially incapacitated, SSS utilizes several formulae to determine the lump payment amount.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Up to five dependent minor children, starting with the smallest, would receive dependent pensions under the SS Total Disability plan, which are worth 10% of the member’s basic monthly pension, or P250, whichever is higher. Substitutes are not permitted.

For Social Security entire disability pensioners, a 13th month’s pension is also paid in December; for those with partial disability pensions, this benefit is paid as long as the pension length is 12 months or longer.

How Much is SSS Partial Disability Benefit?

Partial Disability benefit is calculated using the formula provided below:

  • Monthly disability pension x Total number of monthly SSS contributions received x The percentage of the body’s total disability
  • Pension each month × 12 x Disability percentage

Whichever of these calculations yields the greater amount shall be applicable.

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By Sailza
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Sailza's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
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