SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS: How to Check SASSA Status on Phone? All We Know

Vish Agarwal
Vish Agarwal
SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS

Check out the details about SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS: How to Check SASSA Status on Phone? All We Know from this article. Various information about SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS: How to Check SASSA Status on Phone? All We Know and other noteworthy things are included in this article.

SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS

People who are recipients of various social grants administered by SASSA can check their status in different ways, such as Online, Moya App, or Mobile and SMS. Although the best way to check status quickly is online, many still prefer to check their SASSA Status using mobile and SMS.

Each government grant is issued on a different payment date. Therefore, it is important for people to know the payment dates of their intended grant. The status checker will allow the recipients to know whether their grant has been approved or not for a particular benefit period.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

How to Check SASSA Status on Phone?

People can either check the status of their application or they can check the status of their payment. The application status can be used when someone wishes to check the status of their submitted application for a particular SASSA grant.

SASSA Status Check Using Mobile and SMS

Whereas the payment status check allows people to learn the payment’s approval status and exact payment date. The status tracking service offered by SASSA provides crucial assistance to thousands of beneficiaries.

One of the ways to check the SASSA status is by dialling 1203210# on the phone. After dialling this number, people have to follow the instructions provided in the prompt- “enter their ID”. It will show the correct status of the social benefit/grant.

Another widely used method to check the SASSA status is by sending an SMS to 082 046 8553. On the same number, the beneficiaries can either send an SMS, or they can send a message on the WhatsApp account associated with this number.

Check SASSA status using SMS →

  • Open the Messaging Application on the phone.
  • Tap “create new message” and enter “082 046 8553” in the recipient section.
  • In the message section, enter the ID number and write “status” after it. (example: 4535654354 status)
  • Hit send.

After sending the SMS, the status will be provided shortly by SASSA, provided the entered ID and format of the message are correct.

Check SASSA status using WhatsApp →

  • Save the “082 046 8553” number in contacts.
  • Open WhatsApp and search for this number.
  • Send Hello on this number.
  • As soon as you send a message, a number of options will appear.
  • Enter the number associated with the status check from the list.
  • After providing the ID number, the status will appear.

People should make sure that they are sending the SMS from their registered number. Although they can also check the status using another number, they will be required to verify their number by submitting the correct OTP. The OTP is usually sent to the registered phone number.

Additionally, people can also use another way to check their status using a Phone. For this, they need to install the Moya app from their Play Store and log in using their phone number or ID.

On the application, people will see an option to check the status of the SASSA grants. They can easily check the status by submitting their ID number.

All We Know about SASSA Status Check

Please note that for the tracker to show the status, people must enter their correct South African ID number. Without an ID number, the status cannot be generated.

The status usually shows – application complete, bank details pending, declined, approved, reapplication pending, etc. Each of these status results has a different meaning.

If a person sees a declined status, they can either wait for the next payment date, or they can apply for a reconsideration. Declined usually appears whenever a person stops meeting the eligibility criteria.

However, sometimes, it can appear due to an error or mistake from SASSA’s side as well. Additionally, it may also be possible due to a lack of information or outdated information on the recipient. In this situation, people should first check their eligibility to make sure they are qualified, and then they can apply for reconsideration.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

However, reconsidering doesn’t guarantee the approval of the payment. In most of the cases, the payment is declined due to the ineligibility of the beneficiaries.

If a payment is approved for a period, they should receive the payment on the set date. In case they don’t, they should contact SASSA so that they can sort out the problem as soon as possible.

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A seasoned tax analyst renowned for his expertise in international taxation. Vish's contributions to the tax news blog provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities of cross-border taxation and compliance.
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