SASSA Pension 2024: What Are the SASSA Pension Dates in 2024? Who is Getting It?

SASSA Pension

In this article, you will get to know about the SASSA Pension 2024: What Are the SASSA Pension Dates in 2024? Who is Getting It? The Federal Government of South Africa delivers financial assistance to old-age recipients as a pension. This is the federal aid, which is offered to the low-income individual and recipients above the age of 60. These are the social grants that are provided for the individual and their family as monthly assistance to fulfil the necessities and requirements. To know further related details regarding the SASSA Pension 2024, its payment dates, eligibility, and more, continue browsing this article.

SASSA Pension 2024

The South African Social Security Agency administrated and delivered the pension grants to South African old age recipients. These are the monthly assistance payments that are given to each individual who comes under SASSA pension eligibility. These benefits are the social grants that are offered on behalf of the Department of Social Development with corruption and increased benefits payment. For the year 2024, the SASSA pension will be granted on 3 Jan 2024.

These grants are provided to individuals who come under the state pension age and no longer work or have a fixed income. The pension benefits start from the age of 60 years and continue till death. The pension grants are delivered at different rates. The individual under the age of 60 to 75 will receive monthly pension benefits of R2,090. The beneficiaries above the age of 75 are granted R2,110; individual receives these benefits for their monthly cost of living with the rising inflation. The grant benefits are determined as a calculation of the consumer price index with the increasing cost of inflation.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

What Are the SASSA Pension Dates in 2024?

The pension beneficiaries will receive their pension benefits starting on 3 Jan 2024. The South Africa Social Security Agency is dealing with delivering federal benefits to individuals with lower incomes. Millions of Africans are set aside to receive pension benefits from 2024; pension grants are set to rise by 5.6 percent from the previous payment. The SASSA pension payment will be made available as a direct deposit with an increased price.

SASSA Pension

In Oct 2023, the pension grants were made the same changes for the people of the age of 60 to 74 with an increase of R10, which makes the new grants value of R 2080. Along with this, individuals above the age of 75 also receive the same changes, which grants a rise of R2110. From 2024, the grants are expected to rise by 5 percent. The beneficiaries of the SASSA pension will receive their pension benefits from the following dates:

The Old age pension grants for the year 2024 will be granted on the following dates:

  • Jan 3 2024
  • Feb 2 2024
  • Mar 5, 2024

These are the following dates for the first three months of 2024.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Who is Getting a Pension?

The SASSA pension is delivered to the individual who comes under the eligibility criteria for the Social Security agency. The pension benefits will be made to the recipient who comes under the following criteria.

  • Needed to be a South African citizen with a permanent residency
  • Not receiving any other social benefits grants from the Federal Government
  • Not cared in any of the stated institutions and living in South Africa
  • For single, their annual income must be under R86 280, and for marital individuals, their yearly net income needs to be under R172 560.
  • Beneficiaries’ net assets value should not be worth more than R1 227 600 for single individuals and married R2 455 200.
  • Be above the age of 60 years.

These are the federal credentials for receiving the SASSA pension benefits in South Africa. To get the pension benefits, you need to have your 13-digit bar code identity verification, marital proof, residency and income proof, bank statement for the past three months, and more.

To receives this benefits individual needs to apply online or visit their nearby department to file any application with the required document. After that the federal authorities will administrate and deliver you the confirmation with process can take around three moths. The decision will be made by the minister of social development of South Africa.

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