Parental Leave Ireland 2024: How Long is parental leave in Ireland? How to Apply for it?

Parental Leave Ireland

In this article, you will get to know about Parental Leave Ireland 2024: How Long is Parental Leave in Ireland? How to Apply for it? The Federal Irish Government Plans delivered parental leave which were made to improve the work-life balance for workers. These leaves are entitled to facilitate the parents who need a short-term unpaid leave to take care of their child under the age of 12 years or above with certain specific circumstances. These leaves are specifically eligible parents who have been a parent for a first child for 2 years. To know more about the Parental Leave Ireland 2024, how long is it, and more, continue browsing this article.

Parental Leave Ireland 2024

Parental leave is the federal leave that lets the parents take a period of unpaid leave from their work to spend time out looking after their children. The parents are offered this leave for up to 26 weeks period on their each child before turning 12 years old. Parental leave is generally been working for the employer for a year and entitled to your parental leave.

For the year 2024, the Parental Leave Ireland has extended from 7 to 9 weeks and the new entitlement is intended to help and support the work-life balance of employees. These leaves are provided to full-time employees who are mutual or adoptive parents of the children and have continued the one-year service to be entitled to 22 weeks of unpaid leave per child.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

How Long is Parental Leave in Ireland?

From Aug 2023, the parental leave has been long for 9 weeks and can take up to 26 weeks. These leaves are specifically for employed parents which are significant for the new parents in their child’s first 6 months. The parents and guardians of children under the age of 12 years are usually paid this leave and the recipient can take this leave for as long as 26 weeks.

Parental Leave Ireland

To have the benefits of Parental Leave Ireland individuals are required to meet certain eligibility criteria that involve:

  • Needs to be a relevant parent in which you are either a parent, a person acting as a loco parent, or an adoptive parent.
  • Take these leaves before your children turn 12 years old or 16 years old for those whose children are having a long-term disability or illness.
  • Have to give at least 6 weeks of notice to your employer.
  • Take this leave in either one continuous period or in blocks of 6 weeks until your employer agrees to grant the leave.

These are the certain requirements that employees have to ensure before legislation out the minimum entitlement to parental leave. Along with this, the leaves depend on your contract of employment in which you are extensive to the parental leave rights.

How to Apply for Parental Leave in Ireland?

The employees who are planning for their parental leave are required to give a written notice to their employer at least 6 weeks before the leave. In your written notice you are required to include the date at which your plan has to be started, the way of taking out the leave which can be a continuous block of 26 weeks or 1 day off the week, and the duration of your leave.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Individuals are also required to ensure their legislation of parental leave fill out the parental leave application form HR108J, and give that to their manager with the confirmation document. Along with this, you must sign your confirmation document with your employer before your leave due starts, and the employer is also needed to write a Client Eligibility Service section of DSP confirming the duration, exact dates of Parental Leave Ireland, and the total number of weeks the leave is entitled to.

While returning to your after taking the parental leave you can also request to change your working hours and pattern. These changes are usually set for a period of time, but the employer has to consider your request has give the written response within 4 weeks. If someone becomes sick on their parental leave then the leave will resume after the illness and during that time you are entitled to your employee sick leave.

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