International Women’s Day 2024 Date, Significance, Quotes, History, Theme

International Women’s Day

In this article, you will get to know about the International Women’s Day 2024 Date, Significance, Quotes, History, Theme. Women’s Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in various fields. International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on Mar 8th, it’s a global day that highlights all the social, economic, political, and cultural achievements of women all over the world. This day is also known to call as a action for accelerating gender equality. To know more about the International Women’s Day 2024 Date, its history, and more, continue browsing this article.

International Women’s Day 2024 Date

International Women’s Day is celebrated on Mar 8 every year. The day is to remember and praise the accomplishments of women across the world. The day serves as a reminder of the need to always want gender equality and to promote social changes, On this day there are various moves are scheduled around the world to take interest in the celebration of the day. These activities involve women’s achievements, women’s rights, and supporting institutions dedicated to women’s causes.

In the year 2024, International Women’s Day will fall on Friday, every year this day is celebrated with some unique and specific theme. This year, the theme of the International Women’s Day 2024 is Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. This day is observed with a grand scale on Mar 8 and globally serves as an honor to women in various spheres.

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International Women’s Day History

The history of this Day is rich and multifaced evolving over time to reflect the changing landscape of women’s rights. In early 1909 the Socialist Party of America held the first International Women’s Day in New York City. In 1910, an International Socialist Women’s Conference organized the laying groundwork for an international day by focusing the female issues.

International Women’s Day

In 1914, women across Europe held protests to protect WW I and express solidarity revealing the growing global movement. In 1917, Russian women celebrated it on 23 Feb and later its has shifted to Mar 8th. In 1975, the UN highlighted the need for awareness of gender equality, and the first World Conference on Women was also held in Mexico City. In 2000, the UN MDGs were established including the specific goals related to promoting equality and empowering women.

In 2015 the Sustainable Development Goals were embraced and built the MDGs highlighted the importance of gender equality in acquiring all the goals. International Women’s Day is highlighted to a particular area to focus on within the border.


The significance of International Women’s Day lies in multiple roles which are several with various key reasons that involve:

  • Raising Awareness is essential to amplify the voice of women and raise awareness regarding the challenges faced globally. The challenges vary from gender-based violence and discrimination.
  • The day is devoted to celebrating the phenomenal achievements of women across various fields. This recognition of the contribution inspires other women and society to acknowledge the valuable roles women play and their positive impacts on the world.
  • This is the act of a powerful call to action for accelerating gender equality highlighting the existing gender gap, and Government organizations to to take concrete steps towards achieving equal rights and opportunities for women.
  • Empowering the women and girls which seeks to designate them around the world. By fostering the collective identity and raising awareness for their rights and achievements to claim the rightful place in society.

International Women’s Day Theme 2024

For the year 2024, the theme is set at Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. This theme spotlights the importance of supporting women and girls to attain gender equality and a more booming future for all.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment


Here are some quotes for International Women’s Day:

  • We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.
  • The future belongs to those women who acknowledge the beauty of their dreams.
  • Gender equality is not a women’s issue, it’s a moral issue.
  • A woman with a voice is a powerful woman. A woman with vision is a leader. A woman with both is unstoppable.

There are many ways to celebrate this day, for this you can attend a local event, donate to a charity that supports women and girls, or simply take some time to study the history or rights about women face today.

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