Singapore Cost of Living Special Payment Updates: How Much is COL Special Payment and Who is Eligible?

Ritu Lamba
Ritu Lamba
Cost of Living Special Payment

Discover all about Cost of Living Special Payment 2024: What is COL Special Payment and Who is Eligible? The Government has been wondering how to make the Cost of living effective for eligible citizens to maintain financial stability. The country’s GDP would be affected if the people fall into the poverty level. Thus, the COL payment idea is implemented. We have mentioned the eligibility for the Cost of Living Special Payment 2024, which is quite different from the prior year.

Cost of Living Special Payment 2024

The COL in Singapore is slightly higher as compared to other countries. Housing, transportation, high standard of living, and dining out are several vital aspects of the rising Cost of living in Singapore. Immigration plays a prime role in the climbing cost of living. The GST rate has inflated in 2024. To help Singaporeans cope with the rising Cost of living, the Government has raised the amount of special payment.

There are many differences in the income of individuals; thus, determining the exact Cost of living per individual becomes a little completed. Yet the Government has set certain standards and norms to calculate the approximate Cost of living for individuals residing in Singapore. The sustainable amount that an individual pays to live within a nation is the Cost of living.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

What is COL Special Payment?

COL Payment is a specialized payout program for low and middle-income holding families. This program aims to support Singaporeans with the rising Cost of living due to several factors. Monthly payment is made to the citizens, which can be utilized for a better livelihood.

Cost of Living Special Payment

However, Singapore also offers its citizens a high standard of living along with brilliant public services. Always keep in mind that the Cost of living does not only depend upon education, healthcare, taxes, and transportation but also on the lifestyle of an individual and personal preference.

Who is Eligible for Cost of Living Special Payment?

To get benefits from the COL programs, individuals should meet some eligibility criteria. Have a look at the norms and decide yourself whether you are eligible or not.

  • The individual must be a Singapore resident.
  • The age limit for the eligible candidates must be between 21 and more.
  • To be eligible, the individual should be the owner of only one property.
  • The income earned in 2023 should not exceed $100,000.

The major eligibility factor depends upon salary and property ownership. The citizens who have checked the eligibility from the above points can now get the COL Payment 2024.

How to Apply for COL Special Payment?

Though the procedure is convenient to receive the amount, we have shared the crucial information in this section. Every individual residing in Singapore who meets the eligibility norms can get a cash payment of $700 to $2,250. If you are eligible and want to apply for the COL Special Payment, we are here to guide you on how to do it. First of all, there is no requirement for any application process.

The official will notify you once you have met the eligible age. The beneficiaries will refunded through a secure payment platform, payNow. In 2024, if you are turning 21, you must create a payNow account to receive timely COL payments.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

How to View the Payment Status?

The payment will be paid to the individual via their Singpass account. To view the payment status or the payment amount, download the Singpass Application available on the Play Store or App Store. Make sure you have not turned off the app notification to get an update on every payment made to you. In case you do not have a Singpass app you will send an SMS to the registered mobile number.

The payment will be directly made to your linked payNow-NRIC by electronic payment method. Still, if you did not get notified or did not receive any payment immediately contact the official either by direct calling on the hotline or by sending an email to the official email address.

The citizens can also contact the officials directly at the nearest office in case they cannot solve the problem. The face to face conversation will be helpful for the beneficiaries to get the payment on time.

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Ritu Lamba is an expert in Social Welfare and Finance Assistance. She is the newest member of SMT team but have 4 years of experience in Public Finance and Welfare.
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