Care Dependency Grant: How Much Is Care Dependency Grant and Who Qualifies for it?

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Care Dependency Grant

In this article, you will get to know about the Care Dependency Grant: How Much Is Care Dependency Grant and Who Qualifies for it? The South African Government created specific plans, and through them, they provided several benefits to the citizens. These grants are provided on the basis of their eligibility and their needs. The CGD is a payment for the parents, guardians, or caretakers of a child under the age of 18 years. To get more crucial details regarding the Care Dependency Grant, who they are, their qualifications, and more, continue cruising this article.

Care Dependency Grant

Care Dependency Grant is a federal government program for children under the age of 18 years. In this program, the CDG authorities provide a monthly payment according to their requirement. The SASSA authorities provide sufficient benefits to eligible children with mental and physical disabilities benefits. The grants are provided from the day of birth tills they turn 18 years.

These grants are provided to the residents of South Africa, who are legally responsible for the children’s care. These grants help the child with their disability and survival funds up to the program credentials.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

What are Care Dependency Grants?

The CDG is the monthly payment from the South African Government, which is known as the Care Dependency Grant. For this grant, the child is required for permanent home care due to their disabilities. This program’s main aim is to provide the funds to the lower income households with the specific cost of living and support their child.

Care Dependency Grant

The grants don’t mean replacing the other income but intend to bridge the gap in the cost of living. These grants are administrated by the South African Social Security Agency. These grants are paid at a specific pay point per day, the individual receives their benefits directly into their bank accounts.

How Much Is the Care Dependency Grant?

The beneficiary receives the monthly benefits through the authorities. The eligible child receives a monthly sum of R2090. This payment is made after a certain specification of the child. The applicant child has their medical tests done by the government, and after that, the individual receives the benefits.

Each individual who is connected with the CDG program receives R 2090 from SASSA. These grants are expected to increase in the upcoming year. The recipients get these benefits each month, and from March 2024, the grand rate will provide some additional benefits for the receivers. These grants are set according to the inflation and the necessities of the children.

Who Qualifies for it?

There are certain qualification criteria for the child to qualify for the program. This qualification includes:

  • The applicant is required to be a South African resident with a permanent residency status.
  • You need to be a parent who takes care of a child below the age of 18.
  • The child should not receive any long-term care from the state institutions.
  • Both parent and child require a South African residency
  • The applicant is required to provide evidence related to the child’s severe disability and having full-time care.
  • Married individuals are required to state the means of the test requirements
  • The individual annual income should be under R 249,600; for newly married couples, their annual income must be under R 499,200. These conditions are not applicable to the foster parents.

These are some certain qualification criteria for each applicant. To apply, the applicant needs to meet all these criteria.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

How to Apply for a Care Dependency Grant?

The eligible applicant can apply for the CDG by following steps:

Step 1: Browse the leading portal of the SASSA in your web browser

Step 2: Then, on the page, you will find various programs so you are required to select the Care Dependency Grant

Step 3: After that, a form will appear where the applicant needs to fill out the required information into the form.

Step 4: Then, add the required documents and submit the application after confirming the medical reports

The applicant will receive their approval response within 1 month period. The documents required to fill out the form are:

  • Identity card in South Africa
  • Child birth certificate with ID number
  • Medical report that proves the disability problem faced by child
  • Income proof
  • If foster parents then they are required to a court order for the application

These are some required documents for filling out the form.

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A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ecbert's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.
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