Canada Dental Benefit 2024: Payment for Adults, Seniors, Children – How to Get, Application, Date

Vish Agarwal
Vish Agarwal
Canada Dental Benefit

Check out the details about Canada Dental Benefit for Adults, Seniors, Children – How to Get, Application, Date from this article. Various details about Canada Dental Benefit for Adults, Seniors, and Children – How to Get, Application, Date and other important details are included in this article.

Canada Dental Benefit

Canada Dental Benefit is an initiative of the Government of Canada. Canada Dental Benefit provides financial assistance to help lower dental costs for eligible Canadians. The government implemented 2 benefit periods for this plan – October 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, and July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024.

Although both benefit periods provide the same amounts, they have slightly different eligibility criteria, including the birth date of the eligible child, tax year, etc. Through this significant benefit plan, eligible families can receive payments of up to 650 dollars per year (per child). Further information on the Canadian Dental Benefit can be learned through the Canadian Government’s authorized web portal.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Canada Dental Benefit Payment

Name Canada Dental Benefit
Country Canada
Administered by Canada Health
Payment Administrator Canada Revenue Agency
Age of Child Under 12 years
Requirements AFNI under 90,000 dollars
Payments (per child) 650 dollars per year
Covered Costs Dental Care Services
Benefit year July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024

Canada Dental Benefit for Adults, Seniors, Children

The Government plans on implementing the dental benefits to eligible Canadians, including children and seniors, by the end of 2023. Moreover, the government announced that this program will be administered by Canada Health, with support from a 3rd party benefits administrator.


While the Government is planning to implement the CDCP fully, it launched the first stage of its plan. This initial stage covers the dental care of children under 12 years who do not have access to private dental insurance. The government plans to fully implement the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) by 2025.

Canada Dental Benefit Eligibility

To get the Canada Dental benefits, the families must satisfy the eligibility criteria set by the government. The eligibility requirements are –

  • The child should be under 12 years
  • The child doesn’t have access to a private dental insurance plan.
  • Currently receiving CCB for that Child
  • AFNI should be less than 90,000 dollars
  • Must have filed 2022 tax returns
  • The child should receive dental care in Canada between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024

How to Get Canada Dental Benefit

Eligible Canadians meeting all the requirements to receive the Canada Dental Benefits for their children can apply for this program either by using CRA MyAccount or by phone.

The standard payment processing times through direct deposits can take up to 5 days (business). Whereas the payments received using mail can take up to 10 days (business). Furthermore, the benefit amount delivered by the CRA is a non-taxable amount.

Canada Dental Benefit Amount

The amount of Canada Dental Benefit is usually based on the following factors – AFNI, number of eligible children, etc. Furthermore, the beneficiaries can get an estimate of how much they can receive by using the online estimate calculator for the Benefit payment.

Check the amount –

AFNI Full Custody Shared Custody
below 70,000 dollars 650 dollars 325 dollars
70,000 dollars to 79,999 dollars 390 dollars 195 dollars
80,000 dollars to 89,999 dollars 260 dollars 130 dollars

Individuals having a household income over 90,000 dollars are not eligible for the Canada Dental Benefits. In case the dental cost for the child exceeds 650 dollars, they can also get additional payments if they meet additional criteria requirements.

Canada Dental Benefit Application

Applicants must keep the following information with them before filling out the application –

  • SIN
  • complete address
  • Name/Date of birth/etc.
  • complete address
  • child’s dental appointment date
  • child’s dental care provider’s name/address/phone number
  • employer’s name/address/phone number (if applicable)
  • spouse’s employer’s name/address/phone number (if applicable)

If the individuals have more than one eligible child, they can apply for all of them in the same application or using a separate application.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Canada Dental Benefit Date

For the current benefit period, the eligible households in Canada can start applying from July 1 onwards. In addition, June 30, 2024, is the last date to apply for this significant plan. After this date, the application submission period will be closed by the government.

Furthermore, after submitting applications, the authorities can ask for additional information for verification purposes. Hence, applicants should keep all the relevant information with them in case the CRA asks for more information.

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A seasoned tax analyst renowned for his expertise in international taxation. Vish's contributions to the tax news blog provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities of cross-border taxation and compliance.
  • Hi I’m Betty Jones and am I allowed to get the dental application for to get my false teeth can u email me the information about this please thank you

  • Paul Lane . Can a single male 61 yrs on CPP disability apply for the dental benefit.please help have not been able to eat any solid food or anything that has to be chewed.

  • what happens if you fall in between, I’m not a child or senior. I guess what i want to know is what is out there for help for people that fall into that category, I find it unexceptional that if you find yourself in this position that your just left to let your teeth rot out of your mouth unless you have 1000.00 plus dollars to have 6 to 8 teeth out and that is not even including the price of a plate, And in this day and age who has that kind of extra money laying around, I know i don’t. So if there’s some kind of help or program that i’m just not finding, maybe you could email me and fill me in…Not that I’m expecting to here anything back but I’ve tried everything else.

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