PIP Rates 2024: What are the New PIP rate Changes From 2023 to 2024 in UK?

PIP Rates

The Personal Independence Payment provides much-needed support to people living with severe illnesses or disabilities in the United Kingdom. So if you want to know the recent updates on PIP Rates 2024 and what the New PIP rates 2023 to 2024 in the UK?, then you have to read through this article with us.

PIP Rates 2024

Beginning in April 2024, recipients of the Personal Independence Payment may receive a significant increase in benefits. Thirty-six per cent of the 3.4 million PIP recipients in the UK receive the maximum amount. As a result, the claimants are excited to learn the PIP Rates for 2023–2024.

PIP payments are currently made weekly for £172.75 by the Department for Work and Pensions. With a current September CPI projection of 7% from the Bank of England, households should see another significant jump in April of next year. As a result, the PIP rates may increase by 2.5% in 2024.

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If you are also waiting for the release of UK PIP payments, then you must stay with us on this article.  Here, we will guide you with all the essential updates on the benefits payment rates and other eligibility details.

What is PIP?

The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is extra money that you can receive to help with everyday life if you have a disease, disability, or mental health problem. It is offered to anyone between the ages of 16 and State Pension who requires long-term care or finds it difficult to move around because of a sickness or condition.

PIP Rates

PIP can assist with additional living expenses if you have a severe physical or mental health condition, a handicap, or difficulty doing specific everyday tasks. It follows that PIP is divided into two parts: everyday life and mobility.

PIP does not have a means test and is tax-free. That is to say, it doesn’t matter how much money you make or have saved; you can receive it with or without employment. With other benefits or the Employment and Support Allowance, you can get it.

PIP Rates Overview 2024

Article Head PIP Rates 2024
Benefits Name Personal Independence Payment
Implemented By Federal Government of UK
Regulated By Department for Work and Pensions or DWP
Beneficiaries The disabled population of the UK
PIP Eligible Age 18-66 years
PIP Expected Increase 6.7%
Federal Government of UK Portal GOV.UK

PIP Eligibility

If you are older than 16 but not yet State Pension Age, you may be able to file a fresh claim for Personal Independence Payment. Additionally, you must be disabled or suffer from a medical condition that makes daily living more difficult. These issues need to have plagued you for at least three months, and you should anticipate that they won’t go away for another nine.

If you are older than the current State Pension age of 66, you may also apply for an Attendance Allowance. Furthermore, you have the option to submit a fresh claim if you were eligible for PIP in the year prior to reaching State Pension age and have already received it.

What are the New PIP rates from 2023 to 2024 in the UK?

As inflation increased in April 2023, PIP rates increased by 10.1%. The enhanced rate of £101.75 and the ordinary rate of £68.10 is the new daily living component of the Personal Independence Payment for 2023. The enhanced rate’s mobility component is now £71.00, while the basic rate’s mobility component is now £26.90.

In April 2024, individuals receiving PIP benefits and other benefits will see an increase if the 6.7% uprating is approved. Therefore, it is anticipated that the daily living component will increase to approximately £72.66 for the normal rate and £108.57 for the enhanced rate in 2024. The mobility component is anticipated to rise to £28.70 for the standard rate and £75.73 for the enhanced rate.

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Kindly be advised that the pricing listed above is only estimates and may vary. For more accurate information, you will need to wait a little while longer as the government may decide to raise benefit rates by a different amount.

How to Apply for PIP?

Before you receive any money, it may take up to four months to file a Personal Independence Payment claim. PIP payments are not retroactive; instead, they begin on the day you file your claim, which compensates for the time spent processing it at the DWP. Contact the DWP representatives at 0800 917 2222 to initiate a new PIP claim.

People with a variety of medical issues might receive PIP payments, so it can be challenging to find out if you can qualify. The PIP is determined by how much assistance you require because of the way your health affects you, not by the condition you have or the medications you take.

We recommend visiting the official website of the UK government frequently to remain updated with all the latest news on PIP rates for 2024.

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By Sailza
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Sailza's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
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