Death Benefit SSS: What Much is Lump Sum SSS Death Benefit and Who Can Claim it?

Death Benefit SSS

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Death Benefit SSS

There is no doubt that the Social Security System (SSS) is essential to the financial support that Filipinos get. One advantage it gives is the Death advantage, which can give the family of a deceased SSS member much-needed help.

Aside from the psychological strain, losing a family member might have financial repercussions as well; this is where SSS comes into play. The benefit’s amount is determined by the member’s total contributions as well as their average monthly salary credit. However, it may reach a maximum of PHP 1,000,000.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

This essay will cover the Death Benefit SSS in great length, as well as the lump sum amount that can be received and other pertinent information.

Understanding Death Benefit SSS

Benefits to beneficiaries of the surviving members are given out in the event of death and might take the form of a lump payment or a monthly annuity.
For this reason, in the event of a retired pensioner’s death, the dependents’ pension will be awarded to them and the primary beneficiaries would get 100% of the monthly income.

Death Benefit SSS


Monthly Allowance
When a member dies, their primary beneficiary(ies) who paid at least 36 monthly payments before the semester of death will get a monthly death pension.

Lump Sum
If main and secondary beneficiaries are not present, a lump sum payment is also given to specified beneficiary(ies) and legal heirs.

In addition to a monthly death pension, the member’s principal beneficiary is eligible to receive a 13th Month Pension each December. If a member has reliant minor children, every such child gets P250.00, which is equivalent to 10% of the member’s monthly pension.

Death Benefit SSS Overview

Post Title Death Benefit SSS
Country Philippines
Provided By Social Security System
Death Benefit Types Monthly and Lump sum
Amount Depends on Contribution
Complete Information Read Here

What Much is Lump Sum SSS Death Benefit?

A lump sum payment will be made to the deceased member’s secondary beneficiaries in the event that there are no main beneficiaries or if the primary beneficiaries are ineligible. The number of contributions made by the member determines the lump sum benefit amount.

Beneficiaries of an SSS member who has passed away get a lump sum death benefit, which is a one-time payout. It is meant to assist the family in paying for the member’s burial and funeral expenses, as well as other pressing financial obligations.

Who Can Claim it?

The lump sum death benefit is only available to those who meet the requirements. In order to qualify for the lump sum payment, the following requirements need to be fulfilled.

  • SSS Member Status: The dead member has to have paid into the SSS at least once a month before the semester of death.
  • Eligibility for Benefits: The member’s immediate family members or designated primary beneficiaries are the ones who should submit the claim.
  • Documentary requirements: A few papers, including the SSS ID and death certificate, need to be included with the claim application.

Important Links

  1. Child Benefit Payments
  2. Cost of Living Payment
  3. Housing Benefit Dates
  4. Benefit Payment Dates
  5. Worker Benefit Payment

Families grieving the death of a loved one find financial solace in the Lump Sum Death Benefit. Families can obtain the critical financial help they require during a trying time by being aware of the procedure and proactive in submitting the claim.


To sum up, it’s critical to understand the SSS death benefits that are accessible to you in the event that a loved one passes away. Make sure you submit your contributions on time in order to be eligible for SSS rewards. Any SSS branch or representative office is where applications for death benefits are submitted.

The financial strain that frequently results from losing a family one might be lessened with the aid of these perks. Beneficiaries can focus on paying tribute to the departed member’s memory and lessen their financial burden by providing accurate information and supporting paperwork.

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By Sailza
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Sailza's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
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