
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Sailza's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
157 Articles

Grocery Rebate Coming in July 2024. When is it coming, and Who gets it?

We would like to urge you to keep scrolling down our page…

Canada Benefit Dates July 2024: CPP, OAS, CCB, CDB, OTB, ACWB, CAIP Credit Dates

Please read this post and get complete information on Canada Benefit Dates…

Universal Credit Increase July 2024: What is the Expected Increase Next Month?

You should read this post for all the relevant updates on Universal…

OTB Notice – What is CRA OTB Notice, and Why Did I Get it? What to Do Now

All the beneficiaries of Ontario Trillium Benefits must read this article and…

Social Security Payments July 2024: Will SSI, SSDI, SSA, VA Payment Come this Week?

Please read this post and find relevant details on Social Security Payments…

$2000 and $1400 Stimulus Update: Did you Get Stimulus Check? What to do if not Received?

We encourage reading this post, for all the essential updates on $2000…

Veteran Disability Pension: This is The Pension Credit Date? Who is Getting it?

We suggest reading this post to get details on Veteran Disability Pension:…

$1907 Social Security Checks: Are You Eligible for it and When The Checks are Coming

You can read this post and find details regarding $1907 Social Security…

Claim $150 Lifelabs Class Action Settlement Available: Who is Eligible? How to Claim it?

You must read this post, in order to get complete information about…